Saturday, January 17, 2009

Symptoms of Anxiety and How to Relieve Them


Symptoms of Anxiety


Click here to cure your symptoms of anxiety forever! No meds. No reoccurring bills.


If you've have had a panic attack or attacks you will be all too familiar with the frightening symptoms of anxiety. The following list contains many symptoms of an anxiety attack. This is not an exhaustive list nor has anyone ever experienced all of these symptoms in a single anxiety attack episode. I experienced several of them at the same time and it was frightening.


An anxiety attack typically lasts a few seconds to a few hours but it feels much longer than it really is. The intense feelings can leave you feeling scared and nervous for days, weeks or months. It's impossible to predict how long one will last because every one of us is unique and our responses to it differ one from another.


The good news is the symptoms of anxiety can end for good without the use of medications.


Here is a list of symptoms of anxiety


  • Feeling of terror, terrified

  • Dizzy spells

  • Tightness in your throat or chest. You may feel like you are having a heart attack

  • Lump in the throat sometimes accompanied by a choking sensation

  • Shortness of breath

  • Racing heart with tingling sensations in your hands, feet, or your whole body

  • Hot flushes or chills followed by waves of panic or anxiety

  • Obsessive worries and unwanted thoughts race through your mind

  • Don't feel connected to what is going on around you

  • You have an overwhelming feeling you are losing control

  • Intense feelings of dread, something bad is going to happen to you

  • You have an sudden urgent need to go to the bathroom

  • Blushing or lose of skin color

  • Sweating more than you ordinarily do

  • Shaking visibly or on the inside

  • Nausea

  • Feeling faint or light headed

  • Feel like you are going crazy

  • Tension in the stomach

  • When the attack is over you fear another one will come


These symptoms of anxiety cannot harm you they can sure make life miserable. I thought I was having a heart attack but in reality I was experiencing an exaggerated response to a fear producing thought. (See Cure for Panic Part 1)


The good news is you do not have to put up with these symptoms. You can be in complete control and eliminate these symptoms of anxiety for good.


I struggled through on my own and eventually got rid of them but it took much longer than necessary. I wish I had heard about Joe Barry and his struggles with panic attacks and the cure for panic that he found without medications. It would have made life a lot easier for me and my family.


You can check out a cure for panic without medications which will eliminate symptoms of anxiety for good by clicking on relieve symptoms of anxiety forever!.






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