Thursday, December 25, 2008

Los Angeles Pesky Wildlife

If you live in the Los Angeles area, you are probably acquainted with the nuisance wildlife concerns that curse the city and the surrounding vicinity. There are several species of wild animals hiding in this urban environment, including opossums, coyotes, snakes, foxes, raccoons, and rats. As the housing development pushes deeper into the woods, there will inevitably be more interaction between the residents and the wildlife. Until there can be a city wide answer to the nuisance wildlife problem, people must depend upon Los Angeles Animal Control companies for resolutions.

Several Different Kinds of Wildlife

Since the wild animals are relinquishing their habitats, many of these animals are migrating into the cities and into the homes of residents. There’s such a wide range of wildlife that it will certainly take a professional Los Angeles Animal Control company to help residents with this situation. Here are a few of the most common specie of nuisance wildlife in Los Angeles.


Coyotes are becoming very aggressive in many areas throughout the whole western section of the United States. Many have injured and killed household pets. Because there is an abundance of shelter, food, and water found in the urban environments, coyotes are attracted towards these populated areas. Coyotes often realize that people are not usually a risk and soon these vermin become proficient in killing cats and small dogs.

Coyotes are bigger than a fox and smaller than a wolf. The males are larger than females and the normal animal’s weight is between eighteen to thirty-five lbs. They resemble a common German shepherd, but have a thick tail and a narrower nose. Coyotes can adapt to almost any type of habitat in California. They are quite content residing in the wet meadowlands or in the desert, but can also be content in the coastal regions and mountain areas. Coyotes tend to avoid heavily forested areas or farm lands, due to the restrictions they run into to when searching for food. Many of the largest coyote population densities have been recorded in the urban areas of Southern California. Due to the high probability of being bitten while attempting to take care of a coyote, it’s best to contact one of the Los Angeles Animal Control companies, that are experienced professionals and will deal with this situation.


Skunks are becoming an increasing concern within the Los Angeles area. It’s not unusual to drive through a residential area and observe three or four of these creatures, particularly on the northwest and northeast regions of the city. Skunks are night animals and will eat nearly anything. They are like eggs and poultry and will steal from chicken coups. They aren’t very picky when choosing shelter and will make use of just about any place for their homes. They are often found in deserted burrows, underneath houses, in enemy’s den, and even in attics.

Skunks are usually viewed as very obnoxious animals. They are beneficial in many aspects though, as they aid in controlling the insect and rodent populations. However, they are also a main carrier of rabies and all pet or human contact involving these animals is best avoided. Skunks also are susceptible to distemper, fleas, lice, ticks, tapeworms, and roundworms. In order to effectively take care of these animals, you should contact the Los Angeles Animal Control businesses that are trained in how to handle these stinky pests and other nuisance wildlife.


Rats are the country’s greatest nuisance wildlife concern. In addition, these rodents are very adaptable to almost every types of environments and can feed on almost anything of dietary value. These rodents are excellent climbers and swimmers and can squeeze underneath a door with only a half an inch gap.

These rodents are extremely destructive. They gnaw on electrical wiring, causing fire hazards. The rat fecal droppings have a strong smell and attract many other rodents. Rats also can carry diseases and parasites, which can have harsh consequences on people. They reproduce quickly and it is very hard to get rid of these rodents. This is most definitely an area for a Los Angeles Animal Control business to offer their expertise in rat removal.

Dealing with Pesky Wildlife

Even though this is only a small listing of the numerous nuisance wildlife found in the Los Angeles region, you can be sure to find several more kinds at anytime. If you need help in handling these types of wildlife, you must contact an expert. They are well trained and experienced in all aspects of wild animal control from baiting and trapping to cleanup and prevention methods. The Los Angeles Animal Control companies are your best choice when coping with nuisance wild animals.

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