A smart consumer should be be acquainted with the issues created by the crime of identity theft. If you don’t want to fall victim to ID theft, then you need to investigate identity theft tips.
Because the use of credit is rising, and because many people are taking out loans fairly regularly, much of your personally identifying information is out in the open. When there is more of your personal information out in the open, the more it is likely you will fall victim to ID theft.
Luckily, there are actions that you can take to minimize your risk of identity theft. Most likely the step that has the most affect, and is one of the easiest things that you can do is to subscribe to an identity theft protection service, such as identityTruth.
IdentityTruth offers protection from identity theft through a few different means. First and foremost they put a fraud alert on your credit bureau report with the major credit bureaus. What this does is that anytime a new credit application is attempted to be opened with your personal information, you are first notified of this. Doing so allows you to have the ultimate say on who begins a loan with your information.
Secondly, identityTruth monitors many places that illegally trade in people's information, to make sure that your personal information is not being sold. And identityTruth also removes your name from junk mail lists, which means you should stop receiving those offers to open new credit cards via the mail, therefore minimizing the risk of ID theft via the mail.
Other services exist that provide shielding from identity theft, other than identityTruth. For another option besides identityTruth, take a look at Life Lock.
Every consumer needs to be mindful of what is happening with their important personal data. Being one step ahead of the issue of ID theft is something that should be of great concern to you. To get more information about how to stop identity theft, then look into what identityTruth has to offer.
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