If you happen to be woken up during the night with clawing, scratching or other noises in the middle of the night-time from inside your ceilings or walls, it is most likely time that you did something about it. Even though many of these creatures can be entertaining to watch in their natural surroundings, they could create a lot of trouble for your family and your home.
Why Wildlife Is Proving to Be Such a Nuisance
As the boundaries of our cities and towns begin to infringe on the wooded areas of our land, there are more and more people who have problems with troublesome wild animals. There have been accounts of deer standing inside an open garage, a bear in a person’s tree, and even a coyote inside a convenience store in Chicago. Usually, these creatures are looking for food. As new housing additions are added, there is less room for these creatures to seek food. This leads to problems with nuisance wild animals, and trying to figure out a way to safely remove them.
Difficulties Caused by Nuisance Wild Animals
There are many problems caused by troublesome wild animals. However, it is not just limited to damage to your home or property. Many of these creatures carry diseases or can be a danger to your family. Rabies, Lyme disease and Encephalitis are only a small portion of some of the diseases that could be caught by people from wild animals. Many of these illnesses can actually develop after you have touched droppings or dead animals. Often the only way to tell whether a creature has a certain disease is by testing after it is deceased. However, this cannot always be done if the animal cannot be located and destroyed.
Animal bites can also be a very serious issue. Children can often be at risk since they sometimes do not understand the risks connected with trying to pat a wild creature. These bites and scratches can lead to severe infections and could require plastic surgery to fix the damage caused to little faces.
There are many structural damages caused by troublesome wildlife as well. All of the scratching and scraping which you notice in the walls could cause trouble with your electrical and plumbing systems, in addition ruining your insulation. Some creatures can create a lot of problems in your yard too. Moles can create bumps and lumps in your beautifully neat landscaping, but can also damage the roots of trees and other plants. Many creatures are attracted to the trash cans and will strew it from one area of your property to another. If you’re lucky, it won’t extend into your neighbor’s yard too!
Fire dangers caused by shorted out electrical wiring, damge to foundations caused by burrowing critters, and the odor and parasites remaining from certain creatures can all pose significant difficulties for homeowners. Frequently, the costs for repairs in difficlt to access areas of your home can amount to some thousands of dollars.
Controlling Problem Animals
Often cities governments do not offer services for problem wildlife, unless someone’s life is at risk. This can be very disturbing to hear if you are trying to deal with a wild animal problem. There are many businesses these days specializing in the removal of problem wildlife. These businesses are also able to help you with prevention methods to keep these animals away from your home or business.
Having said this, there are some things you can do to help prevent these difficulties too. Here are some pointers to prevent wild animal visits and for safe practices for the safe removal of wild animals:
1. Keep your trash cans covered and clean. Most animals are searching for food. Keeping your trash cans clean and tightly covered will help to ensure that the odor does not attract animals.
2. Install fencing. For larger animals, fences are often a good option to help keep wildlife out of your yard.
3. Repair holes the moment you spot them. If you are certain there are no animals there any more in your home, fix the holes they came through. Many animals, such as raccoons and squirrels can fit through an incredibly little space, so look closely for these openings.
4. Use an animal repellant. There are several different types of animal repellants on the market, and in addition there are repellants that can be made from products in your home. Research the animals or contact your local nuisance wildlife company to determine what repellants are best to use. If you have children, be sure whichever product you use is not dangerous to them.
5. Get in touch with a reputable wildlife removal business to handle any live animals you may encounter in your home, business, or property.
A Final Thought
Nuisance wildlife are often a very large annoyance for many people. It is advisable that you deal with the situation as soon as you can, such as through the use of a wildlife removal company, in order to keep to a minimum any possible problems or damage. Also, teach your children not to go near any animal they don’t know.
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