Saturday, November 22, 2008

Advantages Of Baby Sign Language

American sign language Aphabets

Baby signing is all about communicating with young babies before they develop speech, using sign language similar to that used by people with hearing difficulties. Children develop communication skills long before they can speak, and visual communication allows them to start telling parents what they need, or want.Baby sign language is rapidly becoming popular as a means of recognizing -- and responding to -- a young baby's needs.


Learning how to communicate with your baby before he is able to speak is a benefit for everyone in the home. These are skills that will not only stay with and help your baby, but your other children in the home will greatly benefit as well.

Here are few tips to learn sign language.

Some parents fear that using baby sign language may hamper their child's speech development later on. Research into this subject, however, shows that children taught baby sign in infancy go on to develop superb language skills. In some cases, they may learn to speak earlier and often have an increased ability to learn a second language.

There are many benefits of learning sign languages

Much of the research has shown that using baby sign language makes for an easier life for parents and babies, because the infant doesn't get so frustrated when trying to get what they need, by using a sign they can ask for food, hugs, or let someone know when they have a soiled nappy without resorting to crying.| Studies have shown so many benefits to babies who use sign language. They learn to speak earlier, have less frustrations (a benefit for both baby and you) less frustration = less crying, increased vocabulary, a greater interest in books, greater self-esteem, higher IQ points and my personal favorite a closer bond with family members (which I have enjoyed first hand).

Sign language will help in the development of your child's vocabulary and can be a huge benefit to them in the future allowing them to communicate with both hearing and non hearing individuals.

Know more about sign language, click here Learn Sign Language

Babies who sign are able to interact and be acknowledged at a younger age. Picture you and your baby looking at a book about elephants. She can show you that she understands the story by signing "elephant" to you well before she could say the three syllables word "elephant". You know that your baby understands and is benefiting from the story and you can respond "yes, it is a big elephant", thereby rewarding her for her efforts.

You need to get to the stage where your baby begins to connect a basic gesture with an action, activity or object. If you do this consistently, you will find that over time your baby starts to mimic these gestures. You can also accompany the gesture with the word so that, eventually, your baby will graduate to using the spoken form.

Babies learn easy by imitating what they see everyone do, therefore if you are consistent and basic with using some basic gestures for certain activities and objects, you'll be notice how quickly your baby picks them up. The most important thing is to keep it fun and busy. Each turn the activity of learning sign language into a game and you will see the best results. Those results will help your child when they growth up and learn on their own.

Teaching your baby sign language is an easy, fun and exciting way to begin communicating with your newest little member of the family. Make the most of your time with your little one. Sharing, bonding and learning together as a family.


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