Thursday, October 30, 2008

Dealing With Household Pets – Rats And Mice?

There are lots of people who shiver at the thought of ever having a problem related to a mouse or rat, and yet if only they knew how prolific these pests really are.

The most common rodents that are found today tend to be the common house mouse and the brown rat. The rat that is known to spread the most disease (the black or ships rat) is now not widespread as in previous generations.

Fortunately as with most things in life research has led to better and products to help rodent control so they are in most places not so much of a severe problem any more.

Many people use pest control products off the shelf but some like to try their own DIY pest control, this is often done by placing traps to catch the rat or mouse, or even poisons.

Rats have been identified as carriers for a number of diseases and are most commonly known as being the source of the bubonic plague which caused so much disease and death over the centuries. Today this is not an issue and some people even keep pet rats.

Thankfully the disease is now eradicated but there are some parts of the world where it is still present. It is believed to have come from fleas on the black rat that carried it thankfully today there is a reduced risk of the plague around the world, but none the less these visitors are definitely not welcomed in most houses or food establishments.

The biggest risk of disease in reality is to people that work or spend a lot of time in water i.e. sewer workers, water sport enthusiasts and even trainee army and sea cadets, who go on training weekends running through still water or ponds. They will be more prone to the risk of Weil’s disease which is carried in around 70% of rats.

The risk to the home is not restricted to disease however, as damage to the home can be considerable as these rodents have incisor teeth that do not stop growing, so to wear them down they will chew on anything.

Mice can also produce huge numbers of offspring and produce even more if the conditions are ideal, one pair could produce 2,000 young per year so take action early as these pests are a lot harder to eradicate once established so sorting the problem as soon as possible is highly advised.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Home Remodeling – Choosing Dining Room Furniture

If you are considering home makeover there is a good chance that you are intending to change the look of your dining room. Solid wood has long been a classic choice for dining room furniture, and there are good reasons for this choice, but what wood should you choose?

For me there is only one choice and that has to be solid oak furniture, you simply can’t get away from the ambience that oak dining room furniture can bring to a room.

There are many choices for you to make, but remember that no matter what your needs are, oak dining room furniture will serve your right for years to come. This is a piece of furniture that you can rely upon, and with the right care, your children will be able to as well! Oak is also in many different styles and colors.

When people think of oak, they think of something wonderfully classic and sturdy, something that can be passed on to later generations. When you are thinking about what you need from a dining table set, there are many reasons to consider, so make a list of the most important things to you.

When your oak furniture comes to you, you will find that it has already been sealed and is quite lovely. Over time, though, that shine can dull, but it can easily be restored through a rubbing of a drying oil, like teak oil or linseed oil once every six months.

When you are thinking about oak dining room furniture, you will need to consider what your needs are. Oak tables and chairs are ideal especially when you are looking for something that will be both sturdy and beautiful.

The grain of oak is warm and quite lovely, and whether it has been stained or not, you will see that that the real beauty of this wood come through.

It’s hard to understand in reality why people choose mass produced furniture that is literally made up of compressed woodchip or something similar and then covered with a fake veneer. For only a little more you can have the real deal and have solid wood furniture.

If you would like to know more about oak furniture you can find plenty of information on our website as well as an excellent range of oak dining room furniture.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

High Sales for the Best Toys

Christmas is a great time to find good bargains. This is the season when moms and dads are reaching to there pockets to put a smile on their angel's faces. For several years now we have heard about Internet auctions and the way to get good prices right at your own living room. So what are the hot items people are trying to bid this time of the year? It depends on who you ask. At the end of the day, however, the Internet has all sorts of potential gifts for every single member of the family.

Internet auctions allowed people to bid on almost all the things they need for all occasions. It is a good place to bid for almost everything you need really. And so you might be asking what the hottest gift item is this season? To start we have game consoles. The amazing best seller Wii console is leading the game. Not only is it one of the fastest selling consoles of all times, but many families are finding that the Wii console brings a new value for the family. The Wii console is allowing parents to give their kids hottest toy in town while enhancing their children's well being. The Wii allows children to move with the game doing some sort of exercise (a much better option than other video consoles).

Also for this season we have very popular products like the cute and very practical Fisherprice camera that comes in 2 different colors: pink and blue for girls and boys. This great product from Fisher Price is a revolution in the photography industry allowing kids to start playing with digital cameras and improve their creative skills. Not only this kids' digital camera is affordable but it is also shock resistance - perfect for high spirited youngsters.

Overall, this is a season of technology and cool toys and gadgets for Santa to bring to the young ones and the once young. It seems that retailers are now betting on a good season especially in the toy market, which motto is 'the more modern, the better'. Kids know that! So there goes your hint on what to insert in those stockings this season Santa.

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Plasmacluster Ions - The One & Only Reliable Ionic Air Purifier Against Bird Flu Pandemic Fears?

Japanese Sharp Corporation releases a press statement on 27 August 2008 that did not grab any headlines. But one day, it may be on Page One of every newspaper on earth! Incorporated in its ionic air purifier, the Plasmacluster Ion Technology (more on this in a later post) has just been scientifically proven to be 99.9% effective in eliminating the bird flu virus known as H5N1.

Every now and then, the press reminds us that bird flu is the prime suspect to cause mankind's next pandemic. Pandemic sounds terrifying. It is. That’s when a highly contagious virus goes global, in a very negative sense. In 1918, an invisible bug is believed to have wiped out 50 million people during the Spanish Flu pandemic! That was blamed on the H1N1 virus which was only recently confirmed on 5 October 2005 by the World Health Organization (WHO) to be a bird flu virus.

If fear is gripping you right now, is it time to PANIC?

Not quite, not yet anyway. Updated on 10 Sep 2008, WHO statistics shows the death toll at 245 from 1996 when the H5N1 virus was first identified in China. So what’s the fuss? Scientists monitoring the virus fear that it may mutate into a form that transmits from human to human. There has been only one probable case of human-to-human transmission recorded in Thailand in September 2004. Don't be surprised by the global pandemonium in the event that the dreaded virus mutation actually occurs.

Like other countries, Singapore (where I live) is conscientiously preparing for the worse (more on this in a later post). At our individual level, we should start doing some homework too.

Ok, so what’s all this got to do with Sharp’s ionic air purifier. Is it not just another ionic air purifier? Yes, because it takes care of the usual pollutants (dust, dirt, smoke, dander, pollen, cuisine odors, pet odors, allergens etc) that contaminate the air that we breathe and live in. If there is really a tested defence shield against a deadly virus, why not? That's what Sharp is claiming, get the all-in-one package with their Plasmacluster Ion Air Purifier.

Obviously, for the value-conscious, the next logical question would be “yes, that makes a whole lot of sense but at what cost”? Per Sharp, not a penny more! Sharp asserts that it is cheaper than any other ordinary ionic air purifier when measured over 5 years. Great value for our hard-earned money! But, how is this possible in this nothing-is-for-free world?

Sharp says that its definitely possible. Using the Plasmacluster Ionic Air Purifier Model FP-N40CX as the basis, Sharp contends that it is great value for money as there is no filter replacement costs for the first 5 years. At US$399, the Sharp model compares favourably against a typical competitor's ionic air purifier that may cost US$160 upfront but over 5 years cost a total of US$560 due to annual filter replacement costs of US$100 each.

Any feedback on the competitor numbers would be greatly appreciated. Do let me know if you have recent actual data.

Meanwhile, I’m going to seriously investigate this Sharp Plasmacluster IonTechnology. Especially since bird flu is still not quite at pandemic proportions.

Don't procrastinate. Believe me, I have seen it. Like a horror movie, pandemic fears spread across Asia for months. People shunned crowded places like shopping centres, some stayed away from work, others became unofficial health "authorities" passing decrees on hygiene standards. Anyone who sneezed in public without a N95 face mask found himself standing alone in a split second. It was the SARS (severe acute respiratory syndrome) virus. Originating in Asia in 2003, it eventually infected 8,096 people around the world and resulted in 774 fatalities. As always, being prepared is half the battle won.

Watch this space as we track exciting developments in our pursuit of safe, pure and clean air with nothing more than an ionic air purifier.

To easily receive updates on new articles, subscribe to The Ionic Air Purifier Blog today.

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Testing IQ For Kids

Although the last thing that I want to do is to be controversial, something that you must take account of is that all parents want the best for their children. And part of the way that they express that is to constantly test their children's IQ.

This may not seem particularly controversial yet, but it becomes more so once you start examining what the true reasons are that they are doing this.

Is if to improve the child's IQ and their resultant increase or is it actually so that the parent can receive the subsequent result and go off to all of the friends and colleagues and gloat about how high their child's IQ is.

At present, you probably have your own point of view. However, let me just tell you my own thoughts because it may be slightly different from what you are thinking.

I actually see it as one and the same. Parents often express their own joy and pride through how well and intelligent their children seem to be. Obviously testing a child's IQ at every opportunity is probably not the way to go. However, on an occasional basis, it could perhaps be a healthy thing for the child as by taking tests, children actually become better at IQ tests.

Let me just present a quick exampe:

IQ Tests generally consist of different kinds of questions. By taking a free child's IQ test, a child will start to recognize different kinds of questions and therefore return at  a later date in order to be able to answer them properly.

In this way, a child's intelligence can actually be stimulated and their IQ test result can be increased to the point where they become much better at these tests and to the outside world become far more intelligent.

A child's intelligence though does cover much more than just how good at IQ tests they are and will be encouraged further by a solid and loving education.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Groomsmen Gifts can be solved by using Personalized Pub Signs

Grooms such as yourself normally experience difficulty as they try to pick out gifts for their groomsmen, particularly if the wedding date is near. It is not that surprising since guys are unenthusiastic when they need to shop for anything. But then, keep in mind that you need to take the time to look for groomsmen gifts such as wedding cufflinks since this is your way of showing appreciation to your friends.

Of course, since you know your buddies the best, you would be able to come up with ideal groomsmen gifts for them. You would have to take their personalities and interests into consideration when you are searching for groomsmen presents. If you are pressed for time or if you cannot think of anything that could fit them, you could get each of them personalized pub signs. These are very versatile gifts and something that could suit your groomsmen’s varying characters.

You could never go wrong with personalized pub signs as groomsmen gifts. Your friends would surely love this idea just like what happened when my friend got married. He ordered personalized pub signs for each of his groomsmen and he gave these presents during the rehearsal dinner. I got the chance to see some of these personalized pub signs for myself and I have to say that they were really neat. One of my friend’s groomsmen told me then that he would definitely hang up his personalized pub sign in his room. The design that my friend had chosen for him was poker-themed and he must really love poker because he was extremely happy with it. I asked my friend why he chose to give out personalized pub signs and he said that these items were flexible and very manly. Also, he was able to give gifts that cater to his friends’ personalities.

Apart from their bedrooms, your groomsmen would also be able to hang their personalized pub signs in their garages or maybe even in their game rooms. In fact, if your friend has a billiards room, you could get him a pub sign that features huge billiard balls. In fact, the next time that you and the guys get together to play pool, you would most likely see your cheap groomsmen gifts prominently displayed in the wall. Once you have an idea where your friends' interests lie, it would be easy for you to decide on the personalized pub signs that would be perfect for them.

My cousin had also received some personalized pub signs when he stood as a groomsman on two different weddings. One had a surfing theme and the other had a beer design. My cousin still keeps these two personalized pub signs in his house. He explained that they remind him of the surfing moments as well as the drinking sessions that he had shared with his friends.

Personalized pub signs are fantastic gifts that your groomsmen would really appreciate. It may not be a traditional gift but it is something that would appeal to the guys.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

A Modern Wall Clock for Today's Busy Family

If you haven't looked lately, a modern wall clock might surprise you.  They have become increasingly more popular and have become an essential part of most homes, schools, and offices.   Today's wall clock can compliment essentially any decorating style.  They are designed to blend seamlessly with a more traditional or modern type of decor.  So, what are the hottest new modern wall clocks on the market today?   Well, the latest rage has been all about the new high technology clocks -- the atomic wall clock and the world wall clock.

An Atomic Wall Clock for Everyday Use

If you are a person who must know the correct time, these hi-tech clocks will be your top selection.  The atomic clock is one of the latest technological advances in the measurement of time.  These clocks can even measure time in milli-seconds and can correct themselves through contact with global satellites.  These clocks are often referred to as radio controlled clocks.

An atomic clock works by using an internal mechanism that employs radio frequencies to synchronize its present time and date with the U.S. Atomic Clock.   So, what is the U.S. Atomic Clock?  This seems to be a well kept secret, but in reality, it is a radio controlled clock that is operated and maintained by the National Institute of Standards and Technology in Ft. Collins, Colorado.

So, you may be wondering how these hi-tech marvels can actually keep time.  Well, an atomic wall clock contains a small antenna incorporated into it that will receive a radio signal from the center at Ft. Collins, Colorado.  This antenna picks up a radio signal that relays both the time and date, to the millisecond, to your atomic clock.  All you have to do is initially set your atomic clock to the time zone in your state.  The clock will do all the rest and be automatically updated from the U.S. Atomic Clock.   What is even more amazing is that your radio controlled clock can even adjust itself automatically for daylight savings time (DST).

Why You Might Need a World Wall Clock

Chances are that you may not have heard of a world clock, but the short explanation is that a world wall clock can measure and display time for any region across the globe.  The typical world wall clock can give you the time for a specific region by using a process of dividing the globe into time zones.  Each region, whether it be states or countries, will correspond to a different time zone.  This allows for consistency of daylight hours as the earth circles the sun.

The world of modern wall clocks has evolved based on actual needs of individuals and businesses.  This is why the world wall clock has grown in importance.  Developments such as the Internet and modern communication devices have essentially shrunken the globe.  And from a business perspective, it has become essential for a business person to consider time zones.  With their clients and customers literally scattered anywhere around the world, knowing the time in their specific time zones is a must.

So, almost out of necessity, a modern wall clock, whether it be an atomic wall clock or world wall clock, has beome a must-have option for anyone concerned with accurate and global time.  But don't forget, despite their hi-tech nature, these clocks can still be an attractive addition to any home or office and fit nicely into almost any decor.

Monday, October 13, 2008

Celebrating Halloween With Your Toddler - Is is Ethical, Moral, Illegal? Read and You Decide


According to the research department at Halloween night, although exciting and fun, can be stressful and traumatic on toddlers who don’t yet understand the concept of the holiday.


Here are a few tips to help you keep Halloween simple and stress-free for the little guys.


Borrow A Costume – These kiddos are so little and chances are they have no idea what they are being dressed as or why.  Save the money and borrow a costume from another family whose toddler has outgrown the costume.


Another idea is to have the costume work double duty.  One mom purchased a winter coat for her one-year-old that was designed like “Blue” from “Blue’s Clue’s.”  The coat was furry and the hood had two ears.  The father who trick-or-treated with the toddler was dressed as Blue’s sidekick, “Steve.”  To make the “Steve” costume, the mom purchased scrap fabric in two shades of green.  She cut the fabric in strips and safety pinned the stripes onto one of her husband’s golf shirts.  He wore a khaki jacket over it and the only thing that shows were the “Steve” stripes.  The toddlers coat doubled as a warm winter coat AND a Halloween costume.


No Masks – They don’t stay on.  They are not safe as they block the child’s peripheral vision, which is, of course, unsafe when walking from house to house, and they are uncomfortable.  Consider light face painting instead.


Consider The Weather – If you live in a climate where on Halloween night the temperature could range from 40-degress F on up to 80-degrees F, take that into consideration when selecting your child’s costume.


Don’t use the Blue’s Clue’s idea above if you live in a year-round warm weather climate and don’t make your child a belly dancer if there’s a chance that the weather will be cold and rainy. Consider the weather in advance to avoid disappointment.


Don’t Force Them To Tell Jokes – In some areas, telling a joke or riddle before being given a treat is customary.  Don’t force a two or three year old to tell a joke.  A simple “Trick Or Treat” will do.  And if they won’t talk, simply ask them to smile. Do encourage them to say “Thank you” at every house, but don’t stress out a shy toddler over this.


Don’t Take A Toddler To Houses Where They Are Unfamiliar With Those Who Live There – A toddler doesn’t need a bucket full of treats.  It can be confusing to tell your toddler “Don’t talk to Strangers” but then to send him door to door asking him to do just that.


Take the child to a handful of houses where he/she is familiar with the residents.  Or better yet, take the child to relative’s houses like grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins, etc.  They will love to see the child dressed up and the child will experience no fear.


Find A Local Mall Or Community Center – In many cities, malls or community centers will hold ‘in house’ trick-or-treating activities.  These are great places for the little ones to get their feet wet to learning what Halloween is all about.


Should your toddler celebrate Halloween?  Only You can decide.  In the meantime, enjoy our complete supply of Children's Halloween Costumes from the Children's Department at Hurry and confirm your order before the Witching don't want to disappoint your kids - do you?


Sunday, October 12, 2008

Halloween Party Decorations - How To Add Flair To Your Halloween Without Crashing The Money Pumpkin

Your Halloween Decorations, according to the experts from, don't have to repeat the same old run of the mill, dusty decorations you pull out of the attic once a year.  How about something fresh, exciting and interesting.  Something you, your family and your neighbors will talk about for years to come.

Your Halloween party decorations will probably include the standard range of items, but there are some simple little extra tricks you can easily add that will add a scary surprise, and give your guests a chilling fright and cause a few screams.

You will no doubt be planning plenty of carved pumpkin jack-o-lanterns lit with candles placed around your party room, their ghoulish faces gleaming in the subdued lighting. Luminous images of ghosts and ghouls of all description can be bought and hung to glow in the low lighting around the walls of the room. Gossamer cloth or commercial imitation spider web quickly creates a haunted house atmosphere.

Suspending decoration items like bats, flying witches on broom sticks, large hairy spiders, balloons with ghostly faces, skeletons and the like from the ceiling, down to to face level, will have your guests dodging around among these horrors in the flickering candle light, and always on the lookout for their next fright. Distributing plastic spiders and other shocking surprises around where people sit, or on tables among the drinks and plates, will help to keep your guests on edge.

If you hang a number of thin threads from the ceiling in different parts of the room they will not be noticed in the subdued lighting, but will be felt unexpectedly as your guests move around. This can be a surprising sensation, and suggests a ghostly presence that will often get a shrieking reaction from your guests.

Frights come when unexpected things suddenly happen. You could set up a few lights on timers to occasionally briefly illuminate scary scenes or pictures in two or three otherwise dark corners of the room. The effect is increased if you are able to coordinate sound effects to draw attention when the light comes on. Depending on the age group of your guests, you could create a frightening three dimensional scene that is briefly revealed, such as a ghostly headless or hanging man.

Fog machines are readily available from party hire specialists. Used with lighting effects, they will immediately create a chilling and eerie atmosphere in the room as the fog floats across the floor of the room around the feet of your guests. If you can, set up an artificial tombstone or two to conceal the exact location of the machine.

With large screen televisions becoming more common, you could play a horror movie in the background, with the sound turned down, to help to set the scene.

Music plays a large part in creating the atmosphere. At least for the early part of the party, Halloween sound effects and music like the classic Monster Mash will heighten the sense of tension in the room. With the party in full swing later on, your guests will expect to hear their favorite dance music tracks. A compilation interspersing Halloween sound effects would help to maintain the atmosphere.



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my favourite national leader is Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel. Born in an ordinary peasant family at Karamsad in Gujarat (1875), he showed signs of leadership from his boyhood days. He went to England to study law and became a barrister. Returning to India he started practice as a lawyer in Ahmedabad. His meeting with gandhiji in 1917 proved to be a turning point in his life. Though he scoffed Gandhiji at first, he soon became his follower. He gave up his thriving practice and life of luxury and joined the freedom movement.

He displayed his capacity as a capable organizer and a masterful leader by organizing and leading civil disobedience movements at various places. As a mayor of Ahmedabad during the period 1924-28 he displayed his qualities as an able administrator. His leadership of the successful no tax movement of Bardoli peasants against the British (1928) earned him the title of 'Sardar'. Soon he was at the forefront of the freedom movement.

He became free India's first Home Minister and successfully solved the colossal problems facing the country in the wake of partition. When the British rule in India ended, more than 600 Princely .States became independent. By the master stroke of Merger in the Indian Union. By his swift and timely action he succeeded in saving the Princely States of Junagadh and Hyderabad and in preventing Pakistan from forcibly capturing Kashmir.

His death in 1950 was a great loss to India. People of India still fondly remember this Iron Man of India. We miss him very much at this period of national crisis when the divisive forces of separatism, regionalism, communism and parochialism are threatening the unity of India.

Sardar will always be remembered as the maker and unifier of our nation. When he died in 1950, London Times rightly called him a leader of a greater stature than Bismark, the maker of modern Germany.


Examinations have become an indispensable part of our present educational system. A student is subjected to examinations right from the beginning of his education and has to go through all sorts of examinations until and after he completes his education. The innocent toddler has to go through a test to secure admission to the K.G. class. A young man seeking recruitment after his education is completed depends on some sort of test or examination. Thus examinations have assumed an importance out of proportion to their actual educational value. The chief anxiety of a student is not how to study but how to prepare for and pass his examination; and that of the teacher is not how to teach or what to teach but how to coach his pupils for their examinations. A school or a college is judged not by its overall contribution to the all-round progress of its pupils but by its examination results. Thus examinations have become the be-all and end-all of our educational system. Because of their exaggerated importance, examinations have become a veritable nightmare for our pupils.

Thus, our examinations kill all interests of students in study. They put a high premium on memory. They encourage cramming. Luck, the student's own health and the subjectivity and the mood of the examiner are factors which can play havoc with a student's career.

Examinations of today are games of chance, mere gambles, and are sometimes known to fail scholars and pass dunces. We need to overhaul the entire present system of examinations in the best interest of our students. The element of chance must be eliminated as much as possible. Instead, a system of evaluation of the student's overall performance and progress throughout the year should be introduced.

Lastly, the degree-job nexus must be ended. Those who do not want to pursue higher studies and instead want to take up jobs, should be provided both in-job and out-of-the-job training which would help them to achieve the skill and knowledge necessary for the job and get promotion.

Saturday, October 11, 2008


It was with a feeling of excitement that I went to the college which was my center for the SSC examination. The SSC examination is considered very important for a student and so my father also accompanied me to the center.

The examination was scheduled to start at 11 a.m. but we reached the center at 9-30 a.m., for I was a bit nervous and wanted to locate my seat. The gate of the college building was locked. At 10 a.m. the watchman opened the gate and we rushed in. I shoved my way through the crowd and scanned the list on the notice-board for my number. On account of my nervousness 1 could not find any number, but my father could find it within a few minutes. I was relieved.

For the next half an hour all the students were engrossed in a last minute revision. At 1045 a.m. went the first bell and we entered our respective examination halls. The parents wished their children success, gave some last minute instructions (as parents usually do), waved their hands and left.

The invigilator was already there. He distributed the answer books to us, and asked us to fill up the details on the front page.

The examination started at 11 a.m. I began to perspire as the question paper was handed over to me. For a minute or two my mind became blank. But as 1 glanced through the question paper, my confidence returned. Now I began to feel that the questions were very easy. I straightaway started writing. I was writing my paper furiously till 11 -30 a.m. when I heard the whisper of the boy sitting next to me. I ignored him. He stretched out his hand and snatched my written supplement towards him. Within a moment the invigilator was right by my side, "Do you want to get into trouble?" he asked me. I told him the truth. He admonished my neighbour and only after that did the latter leave me alone. The rest of the examination passed smoothly.

I completed writing all answers at 1 - 45 p.m. and tied up all the answer sheets. Then 1 hurriedly went through the answers to revise them. At 1 - 50 p.m. there was the warning bell and the invigilator instructed all the candidates to tie up their supplements. As the final bell rang at 2 p.m. the invigilator went round and collected the answer books. As I handed over my answer book I was beaming with delight because I had performed very well.


The greatest enemy of man today is his own over-population. It is feared that the world population which is more than 5 billion today will be doubled in 2028.

Malthus, the great economist, observed that whereas the world population was increasing in geometrical proportion (1, 2, 4, 8, ...), the food supply was increasing in arithmetical proportion (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, ...). So before long a stage would be reached when the population will outstrip the available food supply and there would be a great struggle for food and shelter. He predicted that unless mankind acted to check the growth of population voluntarily, natural factors like war, famine, epidemics and other disasters would intervene to check the population growth. It seems Malthus' prediction has come true for Africa and Asia, and especially India.

Population of India which was about 235 million in 1901 has risen to about 840 million by now and is estimated to cross 1 billion (1000 million) by the end of this century. Annual increase in India's population is almost equal to the total population of Australia.

The reason for this staggering increase in population is the high birth-rate and low death-rate especially in Asia and India. Poverty, ignorance, early marriages and religious beliefs are some of the causes of high birth-rate. Lowering of death-rate is due to improved health and hygiene and reduced occurrence of natural calamities like floods, famine and epidemics. Indeed blessings of science have been our bane.

Galloping population is eating up all our natural resources and a time will come when there will be scarcity of almost all things. There will be a scramble for food resulting in mass starvation. In his efforts to grow more food man will destroy forests and turn the fertile lands into deserts. Ecological imbalance resulting from the destruction of forests will spell man's doom.

Governments have been trying to check the population growth by means of various birth control measures and family planning programmes. But the measures to check population will not succeed until poverty is removed. But prosperity cannot be brought about if there is overpopulation. Thus there is a vicious circle in which poverty is perpetuated among the overpopulated and the overpopulation is perpetuated by poverty.

The only remedy is to flight the population problem on war footing by taking very harsh measures to check the growth pf population. Though these measures are bound to be unpopular in the beginning, people will welcome them when they enjoy the long-term benefits of controlled population. If man does not limit his population, he is doomed.

Thursday, October 9, 2008


Co-education means a system of education in which boys and girls study together in the same institution.

Co-education is no longer a controversial issue since nowadays in most of the educational institutions there is co-education, though there are separate institutions also for boys and girls.

But in the past it was a controversial issue and even today in some orthodox societies the controversy is going on. Those who oppose co-education say that boys and girls are different physically, emotionally and mentally. They have to play different roles in life. So the same type of education is not suitable for both the sexes. Again, the presence of members of opposite sex is likely to distract the attention of both boys and girls and this will have a harmful effect on their studies and progress in life. Therefore it is better to have separate educational institutions for boys and girls, with courses and curriculum's suited to them. Such an arrangement will help them to play their roles in life better.

Those who are in favour of co-education say that boys and girls are mentally not different and physical and emotional difference is no bar to learning any subject. In modern times women are competing with men in almost all fields of life and are doing almost all the jobs as well as men. Therefore girls too have to be prepared for all the jobs for which boys are being prepared.

Again, there is no truth in the argument of distraction of attention. There is, no doubt, natural attraction between members of opposite sexes. But boys and girls will try to excel in their studies in all fields in order to win the admiration of the opposite sex. This will improve their overall performance. There is attraction between husbands and wives but are they not able to perform their jobs well on that account? Since boys and girls are going to stay together in their life, why should we not provide them scope for working together? It would enable them to grow normally and naturally so that they will be able to adjust well in their real life when they live together.

Segregation of the sexes for education is therefore neither natural nor healthy and is therefore not desirable.


The college day is the day when the annual social gathering of the college is held. It is the most eagerly awaited day during an academic year as it is a day of fun and laughter for the students. It also provides them with an opportunity to show their talent.

In my college, third of January was announced to be the college day. The college began to hum with activities since the day of the announcement. The function was held in the town hall. The hall was decorated with colourful flags and festoons. It wore a festive look.

The programme was to start at six in the evening. Boys and girls in colorful costumes were seen moving about with smiles on their faces. Parents and guardians were present in large numbers to watch the programmes.

The mayor was the chief guest. He arrived at five minutes to six. He was garlanded at the entrance and greeted by the Principal and the staff. Then he was escorted to his seat.

The programme started with a prayer by a group of Junior College girls. It was followed by a Marathi play. It was comic. It was followed by a folk-song. A final year student presented Hamlet's Soliloquy.

The programme was interrupted for a while for the official function. The Principal welcomed the chief guest and gave a brief account of the various activities of the college. Then the mayor gave away the prizes. The students clapped and cheered each prize-winner as he or she went to the dais, shook hands with the mayor and received the prize. The prize distribution ceremony was followed by the mayor's speech. The mayor congratulated the prize-winners and praised the Principal and the staff for the excellent performance of the students. Then the student general secretary thanked the chief guest and the parents.

Students had become restless by now and catcalls were heard. But silence was restored as soon as the programme was resumed. A play in Hindi was followed by agarba dance. Then a senior student presented an item of mimicry. The audience roared with laughter. It was on this happy note that the programme ended.

The programme was over at ten. Our hearts were full pf joy as we left the hall. The jubilant mood of the day lingered for days together.

What Can You Gain From Sealy Mattresses

Choosing the right mattress manufacturer is not a small, irrelevant issue. When you think about the fact that 1/3 of our life is spent in the bed, then you know that the type of of mattress is a big deal. Bad night of sleep can ruin your entire day and have a bad influence on your schedule. Now it's easy to see why it is important to pick the right mattress, one that helps you recover and recharge your batteries. One brand that has that much needed ability is the Sealy mattress. {With a proper night of rest,|With a good night of sleep} your body is energized and you are ready for every day's challenges. If you use Sealy Posturepedic mattress, then you know what it means to sleep well and rest. The comfortability is of the utmost importance and you should not forget that. Simply try to spend a few nights on a lousy mattress and you will quickly appreciate a comfortable sleep on a good mattress. Sealy Posturepedic was released to the wide market some 50 years ago. In no time it became a popular mattress, which brought Sealy good image and reputation. International success of Sealy Posturepedic gave the company huge success, because millions of people were using their mattresses for comfortable sleeping nights. This tells you enough about the comfortability of a Sealy mattress. With relaxed and rested body you have a healthy and fulfilled life. If you are sleeping comfortably, your stress will disappear while you feel more and more happiness due to good night of sleep. A quality Sealy mattress is what improves the quality of your life and this is also a case with any quality mattress on the market. When you buy a good Kingsdown mattress, you will still feel rejuvenated. Simply because Kingsdown makes great mattresses. The idea that Sealy spent 125 years in improving their mattresses tells you quite a bit about the products of this company. Choosing a Sealy mattress shows that you choose life, more relaxing and more productive life.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

A home-based after school program

So, your son's school does not offer any extracurricular activities. You
are worried of depriving your child of all that extra knowledge and fun.
What should you do?

After school activities need not be taught in a school-like environment by
professional teachers in a structured and timely manner. There is a lot
YOU can do to support your child's academic, physical and social
development. Do not be too concerned about formal programs, as many of our
children are already over-scheduled.

Obviously, school is top priority for children. They need to go to school,
and finish their homework. They should then do their daily reading or
writing work etc. This may take about 30-60 minutes. In the course of his
daily work, your child may develop certain academic preferences and
interests. In that case, you can try and find a program in a college or a
community center that will help him and encourage him. In the age of the
Internet, information is really not a rarity. Allow him to use the net to
find more information about thing that he likes. Encouraging the child to
do independent research to gain in-depth knowledge is something that no
formal program does.

If you are concerned about the lack of social life, enroll him or her in a
club - a reading club maybe. Visit public libraries or even the theatre,
if your child is interested. It is not necessary for your child to make
friends with children his own age. A parent-child book club is another
interesting option. If you can round up a number of like-minded children
and their parents, you may well start your own after-school program.

When there is no organized group activity, look to your community. Many
children love to get involved in social problems. They get their first
real taste of suffering, charity and community help from such experiences.
Volunteering for clean-up sessions, adult education programs etc could be
a real eye-opener for your child. The lessons thus learnt are invaluable.

If physical activity or the lack of it is your major concern, enroll your
child for some dancing classes. If organized sports are impossible to get,
try to enroll her in a gym. She may find friends there and may take to the

Your child does not necessarily have to be a part of an organized group to
benefit from after-school activities. There are various avenues open in
front of you. Roping in the enthusiasm of your children in daily household
activities like cooking, cleaning etc can also provide them with a
refreshing extracurricular experience. Moreover, it will improve family
ties too.

Monday, October 6, 2008

Create a Home Sanctuary

These days it makes sense to create a little sanctuary in your own home because of the stresses of a modern world there is so little time to relax and pamper yourself. To take refuge from these daily stresses the bathroom is the ideal place to make your little haven. Whether it is just for a long soak in the bath, making up your own facial or a complete pampering session all you are required to do is create a spa like ambience with lots of suitable accessories.

Sometimes the bathroom is overdue for a revamp in any case so creating your spa sanctuary may be kick started by giving your bathroom a painting makeover. White paint will instil your home spa with a sense of purity but it may also make it look too cool and clinical. You could therefore go for a calming pale pastel or neutral colour like cream or a soft yellow. Another way is with a more invigorating aquatic colour. One thing to remember is to use a waterproof type paint which can withstand condensation and prevents mould developing.

On the floor avoid carpet which can soak up lots of moisture and rot, instead decorative tiles or lino will add a better visual appeal. For an extra dimension to your home spa use tiles on the wall.

Of course if your bathroom suit is shabby and in need of replacement then you can purchase a new one. The major DIY centres all stock very good ranges of bathroom ranges which are designer inspired but there are many excellent stores which you can check out online that sells bathroom suites of quality at affordable prices. if money is no option and you really desire a perfectly created home spa then you may even want to splash out on your very own hot tub, with plenty of high end products on the market.

If you are replacing your suit visualise what your ideal home spa will look like and what style you are aiming at. There are many options and if you go for a modern look which is slick and streamlined, go for simple and luxurious lines with smooth glossy finishes and some chrome that gleams. If you want the more regal look of a vintage bath then detailing is needed to fit your needs. To avoid your new suit overcrowding the bathroom, measuring up before hand is essential. Space is needed for undressing and also enough space is needed for a towel rail and laundry basket. Of course if there is plenty of room in your bathroom then you should also add a chair for relaxing into after your bath for doing things like panting your nails, its ideal for chilling out.

A great enhancement is adding some smart panel boarding and you can add a new taps to your home spa for a little touch of luxury. Replacing there existing bath with a free standing one is the way a lot of people are going. You can get very modern versions or you could go for the classic look with a roll top and clawed feet. These baths can be found online with lots of options. One other option is to turn your bathroom into a wet room and remove the bath, but this requires special plumbing and membranes and will need expert planning.

Neat storage or shelving is also a must and you need to be clever here as the only things that should be on display are your pack of soft fluffy towels and your display of pampering accessories. Cleaning items and half used products should be hidden to help you relax in you new home spa. For a nice touch have some jars filled with shells and starfish and also nice pebbles and to the ambience.

An essential feature are mirrors which make use of natural light and create an illusion of space. Of course mirrors are also vital as you need to see how good you look after your pampering session.

Top tips for home spas

  • Invest in a new set of luxurious towels that compliment your bathrooms colour scheme.
  • Make sure you have plenty of beauty products on display and the shelving to show them off.
  • Cut some fresh flowers and display them in the bathroom for your pampering sessions.
  • Move a comfortable chair into your home spa if you have room.
  • Scented candles should be added and before you step into your home spa light them to set your ambience.
  • Bath salts will sooth and relax you during your pampering session.
  • Turn on some relaxing music before entering your tub.
  • You can relax by adding aromatic bath oils which gives your skin a great glow.
  • Dead skin cells can be removed by exfoliating using a loofer.

Sunday, October 5, 2008

The Unique, Astounding, Go-Anywhere Cobb Portable Grill

Are you interested in owning a go-anywhere grill that can not only roast and grill your food, but also look handsome while it does it? What if that grill could also cook an entire pork roast or turkey on eight to ten briquettes? And, if that grill weighed under ten pounds and took up almost no space, wouldn't that be great too?

You know it would, and the Cobb Premium Portable Grill makes it all easy, and then some! Thanks to it's small size and ease of use, the Cobb Grill is the perfect portable cooking system. If you are setting out for the beach, the campground, or the tailgate party, take along your Cobb and be ready for any cooking that you like.

Include a couple of the Cobb's accessories, like the griddle or the frying pan, and you'll be steaming. pan-frying, and sauteing with the best chefs. Why, I've even made stew on my Cobb! A month ago, I even cooked an awesome breakfast on my Cobb Grill, from scrambled eggs and sausage, to pancakes and grilled potatoes.

The Cobb Grill's flexibility is the stuff of legend. At the park this week I lit my Cobb at about noon, using eight pieces of charcoal, and we cooked a few steaks. At five o'clock I was ready to head home, but the Cobb was still hot enough to cook on... on the original eight briquettes! Know of any other grill that can do that?

Cleanup is a breeze because the Cobb parts are dishwasher safe, and non-stick. The stainless steel and aluminum pieces mean that the Cobb's interior stays hot while it's outside stays cool to the touch. You have never experienced an outdoor cooker that was in the Cobb's league!

One of the greatest things about the Cobb Portable Grill is how fast you can set it up, as well as how fast you can dismantle and stow it away when there's no more cooking to do. This makes the Cobb the ideal vacation grill for any destination. If you are looking for an outdoor cooking system to take to the vacation house, or just to use on your balcony at home, the Cobb Grill is ideally suited.

Don't spend another summer without a Cobb Premium Portable Grill. It's a genuine attention getter, and your friends and family will be wondering where you bought that unique cooking system. You can share if you like... if you want to!

Why Is There a Permanent Appeal for The Artificial Christmas Tree?

When thinking of the holidays the first thing that comes to mind is the beautifully decorated Christmas tree.  The real pine Christmas tree is the first thought but the artificial Christmas tree is becoming more popular every year.  Even though life styles have changed over the years and new trends are developing constantly, the artificial Christmas tree has changed from very simple and basic designs into more beautiful and sophisticated designs.  Until recently it was all but impossible to find artificial Christmas trees in their original style.  Sticks with feathers (usually goose or duck) were what the original artificial Christmas trees were made from.  The feathers on the artificial Christmas trees were dyed green to make the artificial Christmas tree look more natural.  The feathers dyed green made the artificial Christmas tree have the look of natural pine needles.  The feather trees have recently started growing in popularity again.  The artificial Christmas tree with the feathers can be found in many more colors and more luxurious.  Many people today are looking for dyed artificial Christmas trees with fashionable colors instead of the natural green look.

The first manufacturers of artificial Christmas trees were brush companies.  Realizing their knowledge and production capabilities, they new the artificial Christmas tree could be mass produced.  The artificial Christmas trees pine needles were made from brush bristles.  Today the pine branches are made from plastic and come in quite a few different colors and sizes.New types of artificial Christmas trees are introduced every Christmas season.With new artificial Christmas trees every season, an individual should be able to discover a style of artificial Christmas tree to fit their taste.  We even can find artificial Christmas trees that sing and dance, Metallic Trees.

The artificial Christmas tree’s structure was changed during the 1950’s.  It Changed from the original wood to modern metal ones and  ceased to be green. The Christmas tree in the 1950’s had faults and lacked the standards of modern safety and health regulations. During this time the artificial Christmas tree were often painted or made with flammable materials.  The first artificial Christmas trees were very hazardous and unacceptable, the heat from the strings of light could cause the artificial Christmas tree to catch on fire.  This hazard has been corrected with the advance of chemical developments.  The artificial Christmas tree that was once metallic has been replaced with tinsel trees.  Fire retardant materials are used for the artificial Christmas tree.  The tinsel tree makes a very safe addition to your holiday decorations.

The manufactures of artificial Christmas trees realized that as years passed consumers found less and less time to decorate and enjoy the holidays.  They solved some of this problem by inventing an artificial Christmas tree that already has the lights attached.  This solves a couple different problems.  The time consuming of stringing lights on the artificial Christmas tree and also helps eliminate the issues of dealing with blown bulbs.  And we all know that hours can be wasted trying to find that one bulb that keeps the whole string from working.  One of the newest trends in artificial Christmas trees is the fiber optic tree.  This artificial Christmas tree lights up but also changes colors at different time intervals.  The fiber optic artificial Christmas tree is becoming a very popular style because of their simplicity.

The artificial Christmas tree also has another new trend developing.  It is the upside down artificial Christmas tree.  These artificial Christmas trees are marketed for the safety of families.  The artificial Christmas tree can not be reached as easily because they are hung from the ceiling.  This artificial Christmas tree is popular because it takes up less floor space.And we all recognize this allows the jolly old elf to leave extra presents.  Even with the interesting features of this artificial Christmas tree, it still hasn’t caught on in today’s society like other types  there are many advantages of using an artificial Christmas tree as compared to using a real tree.  The artificial Christmas trees that are mass produced  means they can be used year after year.

A one time investment allows many years of enjoyment.  The artificial Christmas tree is available in many different colors and many sizes and shapes.  Now the perfect artificial Christmas tree is just a trip to the attic instead of the tree lot.  The biggest plus with the artificial Christmas tree is that the  mess from the falling needles is totally erased.  No more vacuuming dead needles for weeks after the holidays.  Another  major advantage of the artificial Christmas tree is never having to remember to water it.   With this said it is easy to see why the artificial Christmas tree still is growing in popularity  year after year.

Saturday, October 4, 2008

How to Start Living on One Income

Numerous working parents nowadays could not envisage parting with one of their double salaries that supports their household to remain at home and raise the children. Many people would love to be the primary caregiver in their children's lives, but it looks virtually impossible to provide for your family on one income. The truth is that it is possible to meet your financial responsibilities on one wage, with several sacrifices and modifications to current spending habits. In Addition, staying at home to raise your children means you will never have to miss another first and you will have the gratification of knowing that your children are getting the best possible care.

When you are considering remaining at home, it is a good idea to sit down and determine where you can cut day-to-day expenditure. Trimming off those dollars is easily done once you work out where your cash goes every month. For example, if you like to watch movies, you can give up that expensive cable or satellite bill and hire some free DVD's from the local library instead. Cutting back on long distance calls or abandoning a cellular telephone plan also helps to save money. You can in addition call your insurance company for a better deal, now that you will not be driving to work anymore. The whole idea is to attempt to determine all the little things you can sensibly go without, which habits and expenditure behaviors you can modify, and see what the total savings would tot up to.

Eating out is one area where great savings can be made, especially when you consider how much the average household spends on meals every week. At a ball park figure of 40 dollars per outing and the fact that most folks dine out at least twice a week, you could well make a saving of three hundred plus dollars a month just by cooking meals at home. Then of course, there is the midday lunch at the local food shop, which averages out about 7 bucks each day. If both you and your partner both eat lunch out, you could save yourselves, an additional two hundred and eighty dollars a month by preparing your own lunch boxes at home.

The second step to staying at home is finding something you can do from home to bring in some supplemental income. There are many ways you can earn money from home that do not soak up a lot of your time, depending on what your interests are. Starting a home based craft business is a popular choice among a lot of stay at home moms.

The best means to earn extra money is to turn something you like to do into cash. For example, if you like to make jewelry, sell your items to local stores, put up a web site, or sell at local craft fairs. Establishing a business out of your interests can apply to just about anything.

You can also sell your services. If you like to scrapbook for example, offer classes to others. Maybe you are good at writing resumes or maybe you can type at eighty plus words per minute; you can turn typing into services that you can sell.

Do some research on the Internet, as there are umpteen opportunities for home based businesses. Beware of anything that sounds too good to be true, though, as it in all likelihood is.

Lastly, nevertheless importantly, speak to other moms who have remained at home successfully. They are your best resources as well as support.

Friday, October 3, 2008

Why Consider a Retractable Awning

Retractable awnings are simple additions to your home that provide additional shade to your patio or deck area. Manufacturers of retractable awnings design not only basic but advanced awnings which now come in plenty of colors and patterns. Even better, motorized retractable awnings allow you to control everything with a small remote control.

Retractable awnings like this can be expanded and closed with the touch of a button. Since they are powered with an electrical engine, you do not have to manually crank open the retractable awning each time. Because awnings are made in many sizes, you can always find the exact model to provide shade for your outside living area.

On the other hand, manually powered awnings do the same job as a motorized awning, and will save you some money in the meantime. How? Because they do not have the additional cost of a motor, they cost less to manufacture, thus they cost less overall. Of course that means extra labor for the homeowner, who then has to open and close the awning with a hand cran. But if there is no need to retract the awning on a regular basis, this option may work out well for you.

Retractable awnings are available at stores like Wal-Mart, Target and Lowes. Generally the price is usually good at these stores, sizes and color selection are usually reduced. Consider a different approach if you are trying to find something special is to find an awning dealer, or consider buying from the manufacturer.

When shopping for a custom motorized retractable awning, there are a few names that are well known for their product. Probably the name that is the most recognized in retractable awnings is the Sunsetter brand, with Durasol coming in next. All of these manufacturers offer quality awnings at a fair price. Variety is what the manufacturers want to offer the consumer, and they meet this need by offering several color and patter choices.

There are several reasons to make that deck a cool place to relax with the ones you love. A sunsetter retractable awning may be your ticket to a more enjoyable patio area. At the same time, homeowners will beautify your deck with the pattern or color that matches your house.

More On Keys to Great Parenting

A Great parent likes being involved with their kid's lives. Our stressful lives are filled with business, career, and other work related activities. Given this, they could forget to find enough time with their kids and get no cost life insurance coverage quote.

Good parents offer their children enough bonding time and have instant life coverage quote. A mom tells her story regarding her two children. In the middle of her hectic schedule, she could to prepare breakfast for her children in the morning, and in the evening after her career, she has a discussion with them about their home work.

There are examples when her children's do their work at the same time, and she can see the enthusiasm in their faces to do it together. In that way, she is actively involving herself in her kids lives.

Parents need to participate in their child's hobbies. In that way, they will show to the children that they are also interested in their hobbies. In classrooms, for example, administrators and teachers do have their parent day activity every year.

They have different sports and other likes where all the members of the family get to participate and work a unit. You can also have some story telling activities (not that normal nighttime stories) especially on weekends when you have no work.

Try to empty yourself of superfluous or unnecessary activities that make your life much too preoccupied with stuff in relation to your career. Remember that forcing your kids to do other things without you by their side doesn't aid to improve their awareness and responsibility; instead, you are robbing them of the most valuable treasure: your unending time and attention.

Parents must take the chances of creating something for their children to demonstrate to them their love. For instance, a parent could make food for their kid for meals like breakfast, lunch or dinner. This may be a special time when a family get together and parents can initiate in telling a few stories that occurred at some point.

There is no perfect parent, but there might be wonderful moments that we may tell to our children and make sure to have life insurance quote. So, get involved in your kids lives, do not wait for horrible events to occur that end up with us yelling: "It is too late; I should have been there".

Paper Dolls Retain Timeless Appeal

Diamonds are a woman’s best friend, but a little girl’s best friend is definitely her doll. While dolls are usually associated with girls, paper dolls are made and collected by young and old alike irrespective of their sex.


France is the place where paper dolls first appeared. Their origin can be traced to the reign of Louis XV when paper dolls were very popular among the French royals. Paper dolls emerged in England at about the same time, and they were used to convey moral stories in an attractive manner. In America, paper was initially very expensive so paper dolls were a luxury item that children took very good care of. Once paper became cheaper and more readily available, paper dolls were created on cardboard on a mass scale. 


Paper dolls were hand-painted and wore different types of clothes. Some were smartly dressed like European film stars, while others came only with underwear on! As early paper doll clothes came without tabs, people used sealing wax to stick clothes on to them. Patterned cloth, lace, and tissue paper were used to create clothes for paper dolls. Lots of girls and women earned a living by selling paper dolls.     


Men, women, kids, and animals are commonly employed in advertisement campaigns, but imagine dolls being used to advertise various products! Paper dolls were used to advertise new types of clothes and designs in various popular women’s magazines, and their appeal was so great that they began to find place in newspaper supplements too.


Paper dolls depicted clowns, animals, ordinary people and, most importantly, celebrities from the world of films and music. Obtaining these dolls is every modern day paper doll collector’s dream. If you thought only kids collect paper dolls, think again! Adults collect paper dolls just as they do coins and stamps. Paper dolls represent fashion, celebrities, inanimate objects, and animals and are great fun to collect. They are also inexpensive. Adults who collect paper dolls say it reminds them of their childhood days. You can collect on the basis of a particular subject, for example, movie stars.   


As paper dolls grew in popularity they came to be sold in books. Many companies specialized in the making of these dolls. People who bought the books had to cut out the dolls, cloths, and accessories. Today, among paper dolls collectors, old books containing dolls and their clothes are a rage. They often fetch higher prices than dolls that have been cut.


If you wish to start a paper doll collection buy from local artists and conventions. You can get in touch with other collectors via the Internet or placing ads in newspapers. Lots of greeting cards contain paper dolls. Keep a look out for them. 



Paper dolls are a great way to maintain peace at home and encourage creativity when your kids have a school vacation! These days lots of paper doll templates can be downloaded from the Net. Encourage your kids to dress up dolls with crayons, bits of colored paper, and fabric. You can also ask them to make paper dolls resembling themselves! Let collecting paper dolls become a family affair!

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

not having enough sleep may cause other problems

A sleep disorder (somnipathy) is any disruption in the sleep patterns of an individual. While some sleep disorders may leave you feeling unrefreshed, a number of symptoms are more severe including excessive sleepiness, snor¬ing, difficulty falling asleep during normal sleeping hours and abnormal be¬haviors such as restless leg syndrome. There are even disorders that cause you to get too much sleep.

Particular behaviors during normal daytime activities are telltale signs of sleep deprivation. If you are experiencing one or more of the fol¬lowing symptoms during the day, you may not be getting enough restful sleep at night, and you may even have a sleep disorder.
Do you:
• Feel irritable or sleepy during the day?
• Have difficulty staying awake when sitting still, such as when watching television or reading?
• Occasionally fall asleep while driving?
• Have difficulty paying attention or concen¬trating at work, school, or home?
• Perform below your potential in work, school, or sports?
• Often hear that you look tired?
• Have difficulty with your memory?
• Have emotional outbursts?
• Feel tired enough to require a nap almost every day?
• Require caffeinated beverages to keep yourself awake?
Each type of sleep disorder has its own particular symptoms, but each results in some of the above signs of sleep deprivation.

If you suspect that you are not getting enough sleep or that you might have a sleep disorder, speak to your physician or a sleep specialist. If your health care professional feels that you may have a sleep disorder they may ask that you keep a sleep diary, or they may even have you stay overnight at a sleep center for observation.

If you suspect you have a sleep disorder, a sleep specialist can confirm if your suspicions are correct – and make a careful and detailed medical evaluation to find the source of your sleep problem.
A doctor or a sleep specialist can diagnose your sleep disorder based on a number of factors, including:
• A description of your symptoms
• Your age
• Your gender
• Your psychological history
• Your medical history

Disturbance in the amount, timing,or quality of sleep. Dyssomnias result in excessive daytime sleepiness or an inability to fall asleep or stay asleep. Dyssomnias can originate from causes inside or outside the body.
Dyssomnias include:
• Insomnia
• Narcolepsy
• Inability to stay awake (hypersomnia)
• Sleep apnea
• Restless Legs Syndrome (RLS)
• Periodic Limb Movement in Sleep (PLMS)
• Circadian rhythm sleep disorder


Saving Money on Back to School Supplies: Seven Tips

Purchasing everything a child will need for the school year can really add up. Here are seven quick tips to help you save money and start the school year off right.

1. Start Early.
The biggest key to saving money is to start early. It's best if you can start planning as early as the end of the previous school year. Jot down a brief list of what your child really used during the previous school year so you know what to buy and what to avoid this time around. Set aside items, such as scissors, rulers, and lunchboxes, which your child may be able to reuse for the next school year. Cross those items off the official "school supplies list" before you get to the store.

2. One-Stop Shopping.
Shopping early will often minimize the amount of time you need to spend shopping. In July and early August, the selection of school supplies is at its peak, so you probably won't have to go to more than one store to find everything you need, and that will save you time, money, and gas. 

3. Shop Online.
Consider the amount of money that your time is worth. It might be most efficient to do all of your supplies shopping online. Some major online office supplies stores offer discounts on school supplies in mid- to late-summer, and then you can often apply an additional coupon code ($30 off $150, for example) to save even more. You may even be able to get free shipping on these online orders, too. And when you shop online, you'll be less likely to pick up the non-essential items that your kids may beg for at the checkout counter. 

4. Know When Your Local Stores Offer Discounts.
Some major department stores start discounting school supplies as early as the first part of July. Look for newspaper ads from your local discount superstores. You can also find good back-to-school deals at big-name office supply stores. Many times, these major chain stores will have supplies and deep discounts, but only until supplies run out. The same supplies can cost a whole lot more just a few weeks later. The next round of discounts typically happen in early August. Even if your child isn't starting school until September, it pays to shop early. You will find a better selection of school supplies if you get all your shopping done before mid-August.

5. Scoop Up Good Deals Whenever You See Them.
Look for special sales, such as stores that advertise supplies being sold for a penny per item. In the "off peak" school supply season, many stores will offer these deep types of discounts. Watch your newspaper for the circulars so you don't miss out on these great deals. Crayons, colored pencils, erasers and #2 pencils will last until you inevitably need them, so be on the lookout for bargains on these, and scoop them up whenever you see them.

6. Share a Two-for-One Deal.
Look for stores that offer great two-for-one deals on backpacks, lunch boxes and other big school supplies. If there aren't any two-for-one deals, you'll probably see "buy one get the second half off." If you only have one school-aged child you can still take advantage of these sales by splitting the purchase with one of your child's friends or buying the extra item and storing it for the following year. When it comes to pens, paper and crayons, it's normally best just to buy and stock up. These items will be used again and again by your child.

7. Ask Your Child to Help You Prioritize.
Older children can be pretty opinionated about what type of school supplies they want. They may be picky about the color, size, or any of a number of other factors when it comes to their supplies. The best way to avoid any future arguments is to have your child make a list of the most important items on their wants list. For example, have your child rank their top five purchases in order of preference. Assure them that you will do everything that you can to purchase the first item but that they may not be able to get everything on that list. This may make it easier when you can't find the perfect purple pencil holder or just the right backpack.

With a little planning and negotiating with your child, you'll be able to start the school year without dipping into your savings. Whatever you do, don't buy after school starts, when the prices tend to go up. Plan ahead, buy early, and save.

Hot Red Contact Lenses for Halloween

Want to impress your friends this Halloween? Then you need to create an illusion of inhuman eyes and, luckily for you,   costume lenses  are now available for anybody, not just movie stars. You can get real red vampire contacts, but there are some things you should be aware of, before you go and buy your red vampire eyes.

What are red vampire costume contacts?

Red costume contacts that give you the effect of scary vampire eyes are one of the many color contacts that are used for costume parties. People who want something new wear color contacts like Freshlook Colorblends every day to improve their natural eye color and to brighten their look. But color lenses for Halloween are even more exciting color lenses. They come in every color and pattern you fancy, like black out lenses, zombie, spiral, cat or werewolf eyes. And red color vampire lenses are the most popular of them all.

See people wearing red Halloween lenses

Vampire costume contacts are painted red, so even though they don't obstruct your vision, they completely cover your natural eye color turning you into a scary vampire. The reason you can see through them is because they are clear in the middle, where your iris is, but that doesn't spoil the effect of bright vampire eyes.

Who produces the best vampire color lenses?

There are two main brands of lenses for Halloween - Wild Eyes by Ciba Vision and Crazy Lenses by Cooper Vision. These manufacturers have been producing color lenses for years and you can be sure that their products look great and are safe for your eyes. Another option is Clearly Vampire Red lenses - they are not as expensive, but just as spectacular.

What if I need vision correction?

Most Halloween costume contact lenses are made as prescription lenses as well as plano (no vision correction). So if you requare prescription lenses, just make sure to get a prescription from your doctor and order the lenses that suit your eyes

Where to purchase scary red costume contacts?

In the time before Halloween scary color contacts appear everywhere - costume shops, supermarkets, chemist shops and even gas stations. However, these aren't the best place to buy them. Bear in mind - color contact lens is something you put directly into your eye. Unknown brand contacts with cheap dyes can greatly damage your eyes. On the other hand, quality color contacts are made like a sandwich - the color layer is enclosed inside the contact lens and never touches your eye.

There are two safe ways to purchase your Halloween vapmire costume contact lenses - asks your eye doctor to order them for you or purchase your lenses online. Getting them from the internet is cheaper, but as with everything you get online, you should do your homework and check that the company that sells your bright vampire lenses is a reputable one that sells genuine brand color lenses. It is best to trust a retailer that sells all types of contacts, rather than the site that features only Halloween lenses.

Basic Movements for Chess Newcomers

Chess is one of the greatest traditional board games you will ever play. The allure of chess is the almost endless level of difficulty and strategy that you can face as you move up the ranks and go up against increasingly improved adversaries.

Irrespective of your age or level of skill, you can find opponents to play and challenges to face. It definitely is a game for all ages.

Of course, as a newcomer, you'll find it hard to play chess with other players, especially as you're beginning to absorb the basic moves. You can, however practice on an electronic opponent until you become more familiar with the basic moves. There are numerous online services or computer-based games that you can try to increase your skills.

Personally, I prefer a three-dimensional layout, so I usually play on an electronic board when I want to play by myself. There are many great electronic chess sets that can increase in difficulty level as you improve, which is an advantage that they hold; and they also work as an objective measure of your improvement at the game. Many boards will even calculate a ranking for you based on how fast you play and how competent your moves are.

As you begin to play against these virtual challengers, your goal is to understand the board, learn the various moves of each chess piece, and learn the basic attack and defense strategies.

Once you've conquered the basic capabilities of each piece, and you can visualize move sequences without thinking to yourself "okay, one up and two over," you're ready to move on to a real player.

So find yourself an entry-level set at a buy board game site, locate an opponent, and start learning one of the world's oldest and best games.

The limitless variations in game play make chess a great game choice for the entire family.